Monday, March 31, 2008

Chapters 16 - 20

Chapter 16:
Why do you think the white and black people sit apart in the court house?

Chapter 17:
What happened that caused a stir in the court house?

Chapter 18:
Describe Mayella Violet Ewell?

Chapter 19:
What about Tom’s voice was swaying Scout’s opinion of him?

Chapter 20:
In his closing argument, Atticus referred to a "time-honored code." What is that unwritten law, that code that Mayella violated?


Anonymous said...

I think white and blacks were sitting in diffrent sides of the court house because back then races were segregated and were not allowed to socialize. In the North segregation was not enforced by law but was still present. In the south segregation was enforced by law and blacks were really treated unfairly.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 16:

I think white and black people sit on different sides of the courthouse for one main reason. The reason is that because back in that time there was segergation in the southern part of the country. Colored people were not allowed to be near white people because blacks were considered of a lower class. Whites and Blacks did not sit together.

Anonymous said...

the peple in the courthouse sat in that manor because this story was taking place in the time of segregation.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 16:

I think that the white people and the black people sit apart from each other because the white people held the black people out of the court until the white folks were seated. The white people sat near all of the action in the courthouse, routing against Tom Robinson and the white people sat away from the action all the way in the balcony, routing for Tom Robinson. That is why i think the white and black people sit apart from each other.

Jacky Mhead said...

I think that the Blacks and Whites were seated they way they were because back then "Negroes" and "Whites" didnt like eachother because of land and things like that.

J.T. Hredzak said...

During the time this book was written racism was still in full swing. So you are correct in that segregation plays a big part in this particular event during the trials