Friday, April 4, 2008

Chapters 21-25

I hope that you are still enjoying the book! I know that I am. Think about these questions from Chapters 21-25.

Chapter 21
Why does everyone in the “colored section” rise from their seats when Atticus leaves the courtroom?

Chapter 22
Jem is crushed by the guilty verdict: his illusions about justice and the law have been shattered. Could Jem also be compared to a mockingbird? Explain.

Chapter 23
We find out that Mr. Cunningham was the only man on the jury that wanted to acquit Tom Robinson. Does this piece of information surprise you? Explain.

Chapter 24
Mr. Underwood likens Tom Robinson’s death to “the senseless slaughter of songbirds.” What does this quote mean and what is it referring too?

Chapter 25
What incident in this chapter displays the difference in maturity levels between Jem and Scout?


Jacky Mhead said...

Everyone in the colored section rose for Atticus because they were showing respect for him becuase Atticus was defending a black man and no one in Maycomb County usually defended black people and they appreciated the fact that Atticus had done it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, becuase after all of the evidence found, only one person thought he was inncocent.