Friday, April 11, 2008

Chapters 26--31

Here are some questions from Chapters 26-31. The end has come. I hope that you have enjoyed this novel, as I have.

Chapter 26
What are Scout’s feelings about her teacher Miss Gates?

Chapter 27
Why is Aunt Alexandra worried about the “Bob Ewell” events that have been taking place?

Chapter 28
How do you think Scout and Jem felt when they realized that their pursuer wasn’t Cecil Jacobs? What would you have done if you were in their situation?

Chapter 29
How does the portrayal of Boo Radley change after Scout realizes that he is the one who saved them?

Chapter 30
Explain this quote: “Let the dead bury the dead.”

Chapter 31
Why doesn’t Harper Lee return to the adult Scout at the end of the novel? Why doesn’t she give the reader details about Scout’s future, except that she never sees Boo Radley again?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 30

The quote, "Let the dead bury the dead" means that people who killed others should be killed as well. It is Bob Ewells fault that Tom Robinson is dead and now Bob Ewell paid the price with his own life. Meaning he got killed.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 29

After Scout realized Boo Radley saved her and Jem she was no longer afraid of him or intiminated by all the stories she had heard about him. Scout now thinks of Boo as a nice gentlemen who means no harm at all. Jem thoughts are not given because he is not awake at the time.

Kristy James said...

I agree with your comments Julianne. It was Bob Ewell's fault and he did pay the price in the end. I guess you could use the saying, "what goes around, comes around."

Anonymous said...

Chapter 27
Aunt Alexandra was worried about Bob Ewell because he threatened Atticus's life and thinks he will try to kill him.

Chapter 29
Scout realizes that Boo Radley cares about other people. She realizes he is actually not a scary person but a helpful guy.

Anonymous said...

i think that scout and jem felt very worried and scaried when they realized that pursuer wasn't Cecil Jacobs. If i was in thier situation i would have ran as fast as i could to the nearest house or my own home. Also i would have probably been very scaried just at the fact i was being followed at nighttime by somenone i didn't know.