Friday, April 11, 2008

Chapters 26 - 31 Questions

Hi Everyone! Congratulations for finishing the book! Here's some questions for the last chapters.

Chapter 26

What is ironic about Ms. Gates telling the class that America is a democracy with "equal rights for all, special privileges for none"?

Chapter 27

Who do you think made the scratching noise at the back corner of Judge Taylor's house? What do think this intruder was attempting to do?

Chapter 28

Mr. Tate's last words in this chapter are "He's dead, Mr. Finch" (p. 306). At this point in the story, who does Mr. Tate believe has killed Bob Ewell?

Chapter 29

What realization makes Scout's eyes blurr with tears when she recognizes the man leaning against the wall as "Boo" Radley (p. 311)?

Chapter 30

Mr. Tate tells Atticus "Your boy never stabbed Bob Ewell". Is this true? If it is, who did?

Chapter 31

Do you think that Harper Lee is trying to convey a message to her readers on the themes of predjudice, hate, justice and compassion through this story? If so, how would you summarize the essence of her message?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Bob Ewell attempted to break into Judge Taylors house becuase he might have thought that he was against him. He was trying to get back at Judge Taylor