Sunday, March 23, 2008

Students, think try to think deeper when answering these questions from chapters 11-15.

Chapter 11
What message is Atticus trying to send to his children when he sends them to read to Mrs. Dubose?

Chapter 12
In chapter 12 we learn that Bob Ewell is the man that accused Tom Robinson of raping his daughter. What is going through Scout’s mind when she finds out that it was Mr. Robinson that made the accusation?

Chapter 13
What is it that Aunt Alexandra thinks she can do by moving into the Finch house?

Chapter 14
What do you think Aunt Alexandra hopes to accomplish by having Atticus fire Calpurnia?

Chapter 15
In this chapter the children stand up against an angry mob that confronts Atticus. Would you be able to stand up against a group or even worse an angry group of students, people or strangers for what is right?


Jacky Mhead said...

atticus is trying to tell teach the kids that mrs. dubose isn't so mean and he sends them to read to her so he can prove to them that she has an illness and cannot control it and she's not really mean.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 13…

When Aunt Alexandra moves into the Finch house, she claims she is there to act as a mother, and to influence Scout to be more proper. Since the kids do not have a mother, Aunt Alexandra believes that that is the reason Scout acts the way she does. Aunt Alexandra tries to teach Scout to act more ladylike and proper during her stay.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Alexandra thinks that she can make Jem and Scout "better" peolpe.She wants to give a feminine influence on the family, make Scout into a more proper lady. Aunt Alexandra also thinks she can get Cal fired and replace her as a role model, since Scout listens to Cal more than Aunt Alexandra.

Diane said...

You are right on the money with your response. Atticus is attempting to teach the children compassion. Sometimes it is important to look past the surface of a situation and look deeper for the real truth. Jem and Scout could not see past Mrs. Dubose's meaness and see the "sickness" from which Mrs. Dubose was suffering.

Diane said...

Lyon and Ryan,

Did you notice how much Aunt Alexandra focused on class? She says that she is trying to be a mother figure and bring a feminine side to the house. Do you think that her real motive was to teach the children to act in a manner that was consistent with their social class?
