Monday, March 17, 2008

Chapters 6-10

Hi everyone!!! Let's see how you answer these questions from chapters 6-10.

Chapter 6
What is Nathan Radley’s excuse for shooting his shotgun? What does this say about the time period in which this story takes place?

Chapter 7
The reader has to infer that Boo Radley was the person who mended Jem’s pants and placed the presents in the knothole of the tree. Why does the author use this technique to tell Boo’s story?

Chapter 8
What do you believe the unseasonable snow and fire at Miss Maudie’s house represent in this chapter?

Chapter 9
The Finch family begins to face adversity, due to Atticus defending Tom Robinson. How does Atticus react to the negativity and what does he tell his children to do if faced with a difficult situation? What moral values are important to Atticus?

Chapter 10
“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy…..but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” (this is a powerful quote) What significance does this quote have in regards to the book To Kill a Mockingbird?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 6

Nathan Radley shot his shotgun because Jem and Dill were on his property and roming around. This shows that this time period was in the past because not many people these days carry around shotguns.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 7:

The author uses the events to tell Boo's story, because he wants to show how misunderstood Boo actually is. Boo is thought to be this cruel and lonely man. There are many rumors going around Maycomb about him, some of them including that he is actually dead, but nobody knows. When you begin to read you sort of stereotype him, but the the author is trying to not get you not to have preconceived notions about people. However, when you take a minute to think of who Boo is you realize who he is as a person, you begin to not judge a book by its cover.

Anonymous said...

I think the snow and the fire represents the change in time. Also that different adventures are coming and it won't be easy.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Radley shot his gun at Jem because he was on his property. He saw someone snooping around in his yard and shot at them.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 8

I think that the unseasonal snow shows that something is going to happen soon. The author was saying how it doesn't usually snow in Maycomb, so it makes me wonder a little bit. Or maybe it just represents some joy, because Jem and Scout had a lot of fun outside with it, trying to make their snowman. I think the fire in Ms. Maudie's house represents the fact that no matter how kind you are, bad things can still happen to you, but as long as you hold your head high, it'll be fine. After th fire, she was fine, as well as everyone else. Perhaps it was to show that people in Maycomb can unite eventaully.

Kristy James said...

WOW!!!! I am really impressed with all of your comments. You are really interpreting and analyzing this story at a mature level. All of your responses are well thought out. Keep reading. The story can only get better and better.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Radley used his shotgun because Jem and Dill were on his property. This tells us that this takes place in a time period a while back where citizen still carried around shotguns.