Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapters 1-5 Mandy

Chapter 1-5 Discussion Questions

1. Chapter 1-Sometimes when people do not understand something or someone they are more likely to believe far fetched stories. In this chapter Scout and Jem tell Dill that Boo Radley eats cats and squirrels, has yellow teeth, a scar on his face, and looks in Miss Stephanie Crawford’s windows at night. Have you ever believed a story before because it was based on something that you did not understand? Did you ever discover the truth?

2. Chapter 2-Scout was trying the best she could to explain to Miss Caroline that Walter Cunningham cannot accept the money for lunch because he will not be able to pay her back. Think about how Miss Caroline must feel in this situation. If you were in her shoes, would you act the same way toward Scout or would you do anything differently?

3. Chapter 3-When you were reading this chapter, what did you think that Atticus would say to Scout when she told him that Miss Caroline gave her strict instructions not to read anymore? Did you think he would react differently? How would you feel if someone told you that you could not do the thing that you loved to do?

4. Chapter 4-Jem thought that he could get back at Scout for making him look foolish by giving her an extra hard push in the tire. From what you read, do you think that Jem regretted what he did after he realized where Scout would land? Have you ever done anything without thinking about the consequences?

5. Chapter 5-Why do you think that Dill’s stories about where he comes from, and who his family is keeps changing?

March 9, 2008 8:29 PM


Anonymous said...

Chapter 2

I think that Miss Caroline over-reacted just a little bit when she smacked scout in the hand with the ruler. If I were Miss Caroline I would have taken things totaly different. Instead of hitting Scout, I would have tryed to understand him better, and if that did't work i would either write a letter or walk down to the Cunningham's house and try to work things out with the family. That's how i would have reacted if i was in Miss Caroline's shoes.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 2:

I would listen to Scout, and try to absorb what she was stating about Walter Cunningham. I would talk to Walter about it as well, and see how their stories match up. However, I think that Miss Caroline, is not sure whether Scout is just causing trouble or if she is telling the truth. I also think that Miss Caroline needs to get to know Scout better before she starts whipping her with a ruler.

Anonymous said...

I would listen to Scout, and try to absorb what she was stating about Walter Cunningham. I would talk to Walter about it to and see how their stories match up. also, I think that Miss Caroline, is not sure whether Scout is just causing mischief or if she is telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

I agree with each and every one of you! Miss Caroline was not sure how to react to these students. Where she grew up seems to be such a different place than where Scout, Jem, and the Cunninghams live. She does not understand that Walter is just being respectful by not taking the money because he knows that he will never be able to pay her back.
I agree with Sam--Miss Caroline should have tried to understand where Scout was coming from first before hitting Scout with the ruler.
Makenzie and Matt-you are both absolutely right. Miss Caroline should have gotten all of the information before she jumped to conclusions. If she had only listened to both sides of the story, she would have realized that Walter was poor, and Scout was just trying to show her that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have believed a story that I didn't understand. I didn't question it I just believed it because everybody else did. When you are younger you are more naive and you believe everything you hear. Later on in life I discovered the trutgh becuase I learned that it was just a fun myth and it was all just a joke,

Jacky Mhead said...

I have definitely believed something that someone had told me that was completely ridiculous but its just the fact that you're so young and you believe everything because you were taught to just have an imagination and what you hear you are going to believe and imagine he's really like that or what ever it is you are talking about, and now that I'm older I've grown to know and learn that when you are younger you can live your life and think what you want but when you grow up you realize life isn't about imagining things and believing everyone, you need to learn that most of things are called rumors and it's just part of life as you grow. You will learn to eventually gorw out of it and mature. Now that I'm older I've grown to learn the truth.