Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapters 1-5 from Kristy J

I hope that you are enjoying the book. Here are a few questions from Chapters 1-5.

Chapter 1
Boo Radley’s father imprisoned him in the house as punishment for getting in trouble with the law, but his father has died. Why do you think Boo Radley continues to stay inside his house?

Chapter 2
In this chapter we see that there was a time when teachers were able to slap students’ hands with a ruler. Compare that to the laws and rules for teachers in schools today.

Chapter 3
Why doesn’t Scout enjoy school? How would you react if one of your teachers made you feel guilty for being educated?

Chapter 4
What is it about the Radley family that interests Jem, Scout and Dill?

Chapter 5
How does Miss Maudie describe Boo Radley? What is her theory on Boo? Will this influence the way Scout feels about him?

March 9, 2008 10:55 AM


Anonymous said...

Chapter 1:

I think Boo Radley stays inside his house for many reasons. I think when people read the story they assume that it is because his father forces him to. I however think that it is something more complicated than that. I believe that it may be because everyone in Maycomb knows Boo's story and if they one day saw him he might frighten people or people might try to hurt him. My other theory is that he may never comes out because maybe he is not alive anymore. Perhaps his father killed him and hides the body in the house.

Anonymous said...

Hi this is Bing of Marblehead. I agree with Julianne totally. I also think that there is something more to his father making him stay at home. I believe the exact same way as Julianne. It is because everyone knows Boo's story and he doesnt want to be ashamed when he stpes out of his doors. This is what I believe but others may think differently.

Anonymous said...

Chapter one question:

I think that Boo is afraid to come out of his house because, like Julianne and Bing, I think he's ashamed to step outside of his house. Everyone in the town knows his story, and he probably thinks he'll be looked at as an outcast for what he did and how he hurt his parents. Perhaps maybe he's even just staying in the house because he might feel bad about his run-in with the law, and is just staying in there because he knows that's what his father wanted, and when he died, he just kept staying in there. Or maybe it's a combination of both.

Kristy James said...

Thank you for your very insightful comments. I agree with your thoughts. I think that Boo Radley stays in his house because he doesn’t know how to face society. I think that he has been a prisoner of the “inside world” for so long that he can’t imagine being part of the “outside world.” I feel as though he is ashamed of the past events in his life and is hiding from the town and the negative impression that the people have created over the years. I also think that the author uses Boo Radley’s story to get the reader to realize that there must be more to Boo’s story than the superstitions imply. I think that eventually Boo will be transformed from a villain into a human being and the children will gain a better understanding of this person.

Anonymous said...

I also beleave that there is something more to his father making him stay at home. I believe the exact same way as Julianne. It is because everyone knows Boo's story and he doesnt want to be ashamed when he stpes out of his doors. This is what I believe but others may think differently.

Anonymous said...

Question 1:
I think Boo radly stays in his house because of how he looks and what he does. From jems description of Boo i could understand him staying home. Also from what i read his older brother came and took Mr. Radleys place. Then only difference is the age.
Question 2:
Well slapping hands was a reasonable punshiment back then. Now its against the law for a teacher to hit a student. Its would be considered unnessicary violence.

Rodney said...

Hi everyone,
I was just reading your thoughts about Boo Radely. I liked the word "ashamed" that Bing used. I think Boo is ashamed about how he acted when he was younger, and for this reason he stays inside his house. Possibly, Boo is also very shy. The Radely's seem to be a family that has always kept to themselves. If Boo didn't have many opportunities to interact with his neighbors as a child, he may have never learned to be comfortable around people he doesn't know.

Kristy James said...

Hi everyone! Let's see how you respond to these questions from Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6
What is Nathan Radley’s excuse for shooting his shotgun? What does this say about the time period in which this story takes place?

Chapter 7
The reader has to infer that Boo Radley was the person who mended Jem’s pants and placed the presents in the knothole of the tree. Why does the author use this technique to tell Boo’s story?

Chapter 8
What do you believe the unseasonable snow and fire at Miss Maudie’s house represent in this chapter?

Chapter 9
The Finch family begins to face adversity, due to Atticus defending Tom Robinson. How does Atticus react to the negativity and what does he tell his children to do if faced with a difficult situation? What moral values are important to Atticus?

Chapter 10
“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy…..but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” (this is a powerful quote) What significance does this quote have in regards to the book To Kill a Mockingbird?