Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chapter 6-10 Questions

Hello students! Interesting responses to questions in chapter 1-5. Great input!
Questions Chapters 6-10
Chapter 6 Question
Dill interjects that he won Jem’s pants in a game of strip poker. Atticus is more worried about the children playing cards than the game. In today’s society, which one do you think would be more of an issue?
Chapter 7 Question
When Jem and Scott find that the knothole has been filled with cement and Mr. Radley replies that the tree is dying, do you think Mr. Radley infers that is symbolic of Boo?
Chapter 8 Question
Atticus seems to be a good judge of character. Try to justify why he did not want Jem to tell anyone about Boo’s good deeds.
Chapter 9 Question
Judge whether Scout was right or wrong when she fought to save her father’s reputation.
Chapter 10 Question
What type of bird is a mockingbird and what do you think the symbolism of the mockingbird is in the story?


Anonymous said...

I think that scince they are still kids I would be more worryed about strip poker than a pair of pants

Anonymous said...

mocking birds are peacefull birds, they dont bother anyone. ther is a saying that you kan kill all the bulejays you want, but to kill a mockingbird is a sin. or to kill someone inoocent

rotina j california said...

Mattb that is a hard question to answer. People have different views to that question. I wanted to ask your age group. Society and morals have changed a lot since I was your age. I wanted to get your point of view. Your comment was interesting!

rotina j california said...


Great interpretation. Mockingbirds are symbolic to this story because of their innocence. Not only did you analyze the symbolism of the mockingbird but you also used a comparison.