Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 11-15 Questions

Chapter 11-15 Questions

Chapter 11 Question
How do you think Jem felt when Mrs. Dubose makes the statement that Atticus is not any better than the “niggers and trash he works for? “ How do you think he felt about reading to her as punishment for defending Atticus?

Chapter 12 Question
According to Erik Erikson, a psychologist that studied the stages of development, Jem is twelve years old and starting the stage of ego-identity vs role-confusion. Peer groups and role models are most significant in this phase. Jem says that Scout is starting to pester him, Dill doesn’t come to Maycomb this year and his father is traveling. The task during adolescence is to achieve ego identity and avoid role confusion.. Try to analyze how Jem will progress through this stage. Do you think he will start to establish his identity or will he have a hard time dealing with these issues?

Chapter 13 Question
In chapter 1, Scout begins narrating the story by recounting her family history. In chapter 13, Jem and Scout’s Aunt Alexandria orders Atticus to lecture them on the subject of their ancestry. Even though Scout thinks her family history is an important way to start the story, why does she cry when Atticus attempt to explain it in chapter 13.

Chapter 14 Question
Dill says he ran away (and came there) because his new father had chained him in the basement, but the reality is much more common, and in a way sadder (even if less dramatic): his parents seem to get along better without him, and he's happier with the Finches. Look at Chapter 12 question (above), and try to analyze how Dill would progress through the ego identity or role confusion stage because of this situation.

Chapter 15 Question
Mr. Underwood, the owner of the newspaper, speaks from a nearby window where he is positioned with a double-barreled shotgun: “Had you covered all the time, Atticus.” Why do you think Mr. Underwood makes this statement and do you think Atticus knew he was there? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

Chapter 11

I think that when Mrs. Dubose said that to Jem he was angry because he knew that that is what some people thought of Atticus, but he hated Mrs. Dubose so much that he it made him even more angry just coming from her. Jem seems annoyed with his punishment to have to read to her because he does not like to talk to her more than he has to.

Anonymous said...

Jem most likely felt bad. He probably felt awkward and angry. He tried to defend his father and now he’s getting punished for it. Jem was annoyed because he hated her already and now he was going to get to know her better because he had to read to her.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 15 Response- Mr. Underwood made this statement so that Atticus would know that there were people supporting him and Tom Robinson. I don’t think Atticus knew Mr. Underwood was there the whole time because when Scout and Jem showed up, Atticus panicked. Atticus panicked because he was worried about his children’s safety and therefore was unaware to his surroundings.

Anonymous said...

I think that Jem was angry when he first recieved his punishment because he was denfending his father. So, when Mrs. Dubose says that her father is trash because of who he works for Jem finally cracks because the comment is coming from her. I don't think that Jem truely understands what he was doing for Mrs. Dubose, but he is very annoyed with his punishment.

Anonymous said...

My last comment was about Chapter 11.

Anonymous said...

I think that Jem felt insulted when Mrs.Dubose said he better than the "niggers and trash" he works for. I believe he was insulted and felt disrespected because Atticus helps Jem and has a very close relationshipwith Atticus.

Anonymous said...

The reason why i think that Mrs. Durbose said jem was angry was because people thought of atticus, But didnt like Mrs. Durbose alot. Jem just doesnt like to talk a much and is shy.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 11
Jem felt insulted and irritated after hearing Mrs. Dubose tell him that his father was not any better than the “niggers and trash he works for” and infuriated when learning that his punishment for destroying her camellias. Jem has the right to be angry because Atticus is only doing his job as a criminal defense lawyer and all of Maycomb County is annoyed at him for doing so. Also, having Jem read to Mrs. Dubose probable made him more aggravated at the moment because he did not know what horrible conditions she was in.

rotina j california said...

Many of you answered the questions for chapter 11. All of your answers and comments were good. It was okay for Jem to get angry but Atticus wanted to teach Jem not to retaliate. This is a hard lesson to learn even for adults. This is a story about children coming of age. Jem gets to know Mrs. Dubose much better after reading to her.