Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hello from Marbleheaders


Anonymous said...

Hey Colorodo Springs,
My name is Sam W. from the marblehead Vetrans Middle School. I'm a boy in the eighth grade that does play sports. Besides the point, how is the skiing in Colorodo? I hear that Colorodo has amazing conditions and great ski locations. Do you ski or snowboard? I have skied my whole life and Loved it, (I did try snowboarding once, but never really loved it.)
Anyways... How is your school that you go to? Is your lunch good or bad? Our lunch isn't always the best. What is your favorite subject? Do you guy's have gym at your school? If you do, what is your favorite sport/activity that you do or play?
-Hope you write back-
Sam W.

Anonymous said...

My name is Mandy W. and I am a student at California University of Pennsylvania. I am in my second semester of graduate school and I am a substitute teacher. When I am finished in December of 2008 with school, I will be a certified Reading Specialist. I like to read, watch movies, listen to music, and go out to eat! I am looking forward to reading and talking about To Kill a Mockingbird. I read it when I was in high school, but it is always fun to re-read a story because you never know what you can discover the second time.

Rodney said...

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first five chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird. Here are some questions for you - the question numbers align with the chapters.

1. In Chapter One (p.5), Lee describes Maycomb as a “tired old town”. What literary tool is she using here? What makes Maycomb “tired”?

2. On Scout’s first day at school, Miss Caroline seems annoyed that she is able to read. Why, according to Miss Caroline, should Scout stop learning to read on her own? Do you think she is genuinely concerned about Scout’s reading ability?

3. What does Jem’s invitation to Walter to join the Finch family for dinner indicate about Jem’s character?

4. Do you think the discovery of chewing gum in the knothole of the oak tree is important to this story? Why?

5. Analyze Miss Maudie’s attitude toward “Boo” Radley. Do you think her comments influence Scout’s opinion of him? If so, how?

Zaj1277 said...

Hello! I hope that you are enjoying “To Kill a Mockingbird” as much as I am! Here are a few questions from the first five chapters of the book.

Chapter 1

1. In the first chapter of the story, To Kill a Mockingbird by H. Lee, Jem describes the mysterious neighbor, Boo, to Dill. Dill is interested in the way that Boo looks and decides that he would like to see Boo. Besides being interested in the way that Boo looks, what other reasons do you believe that Dill would like to see Boo?

Chapter 2

2. The Cunningham’s were very poor people. The Cunningham’s did not take things from others if they could not give it back. After the night that Mr. Cunningham had a long conversation with Atticus, how did Mr. Cunningham repay Atticus for his service? Why did he repay Atticus in this way?

Chapter 3

3. Scout and her father Atticus made a compromise to continue to read books at night even though Miss Caroline told her not to. Do you think that Miss Caroline will find out that Scout and Atticus made this compromise or not? Why or Why not?

Chapter 4

4. Scout found chewing gum in a tree near the edge of the Radley lot, how do you think that this got into the tree? Do you think that that there is any significance of the chewing gum being in the tree near the edge of the Radley lot?

Chapter 5

5. What is the relationship between Miss Maudie, Jem, Scout, and Dill? How does Miss Maudie feel about Jem, Scout, and Dill? How do Jem, Scout, and Dill feel about Miss Maudie?

Amanda Zajac – California University of PA

Diane said...

Hello Group! Take a shot at these questions. You may have to look back for some examples. Good luck and happy reading!

Chapter 1
The story takes place in the small, farming town of Maycomb, GA. However, the Finch family is described not as a farming family but rather a family of education. What does the author tell us about the Finch family that depicts them as a family of education?

Chapter 2
Scout has her first experience with school in this chapter. She has several conflicts with Miss Caroline, her new teacher. What is the author implying about the school system in Maycomb, GA?

Chapter 3
In this chapter we begin so see social classes erupt in the novel. Why do you feel the author is stressing social classes so early in the novel?

Chapter 4
Scout finds gum in the knothole of a tree outside of Boo Radley’s house. She takes it and chews it, but when Jem finds out he makes her spit it out. Why would Jem make her spit out the gum?

Chapter 5
Scout begins talking with Maudie Atkinson because she feels left out when the boys spend time together. Maudie gives her new insight on Boo Radley. What is Maudie point-of-view about Boo?

Diane W.

Kristy James said...

I hope that you are enjoying the book. Here are a few questions from Chapters 1-5.

Chapter 1
Boo Radley’s father imprisoned him in the house as punishment for getting in trouble with the law, but his father has died. Why do you think Boo Radley continues to stay inside his house?

Chapter 2
In this chapter we see that there was a time when teachers were able to slap students’ hands with a ruler. Compare that to the laws and rules for teachers in schools today.

Chapter 3
Why doesn’t Scout enjoy school? How would you react if one of your teachers made you feel guilty for being educated?

Chapter 4
What is it about the Radley family that interests Jem, Scout and Dill?

Chapter 5
How does Miss Maudie describe Boo Radley? What is her theory on Boo? Will this influence the way Scout feels about him?

Vicky said...

Okay group, here's some questions for the first five chapters to get us started with discussion. The questions are numbered according to the chapter they represent.
1. The Radley's seem to be a mysterious clan. Describe some of the characteristics they possess. Why do you think they behave as they do?
2. Scout didn't quite understand the principle of "entailment" (p.20). How would you explain it?
3. Calpurnia has an interesting relationship with Scout. There are two distinctively different scenes between the two in this chapter. Describe those scenes, in your own words. How does Scout feel about Calpurnia?
4. Scout makes an interesting discovery by finding the gum in the knot-hole of the oak tree. Make some predictions about who you think left the gum, and why.
5. Miss Maudie tells Scout that, "sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of- oh, of your father." What do you think Miss Maudie means?

Anonymous said...

Chapter 1-5 Discussion Questions

1. Chapter 1-Sometimes when people do not understand something or someone they are more likely to believe far fetched stories. In this chapter Scout and Jem tell Dill that Boo Radley eats cats and squirrels, has yellow teeth, a scar on his face, and looks in Miss Stephanie Crawford’s windows at night. Have you ever believed a story before because it was based on something that you did not understand? Did you ever discover the truth?

2. Chapter 2-Scout was trying the best she could to explain to Miss Caroline that Walter Cunningham cannot accept the money for lunch because he will not be able to pay her back. Think about how Miss Caroline must feel in this situation. If you were in her shoes, would you act the same way toward Scout or would you do anything differently?

3. Chapter 3-When you were reading this chapter, what did you think that Atticus would say to Scout when she told him that Miss Caroline gave her strict instructions not to read anymore? Did you think he would react differently? How would you feel if someone told you that you could not do the thing that you loved to do?

4. Chapter 4-Jem thought that he could get back at Scout for making him look foolish by giving her an extra hard push in the tire. From what you read, do you think that Jem regretted what he did after he realized where Scout would land? Have you ever done anything without thinking about the consequences?

5. Chapter 5-Why do you think that Dill’s stories about where he comes from, and who his family is keeps changing?

Cara C. said...

Chapter 1: Describe Scout, Jem, and Dill’s fascination with the Radley house?

Chapter 2: In anticipation of her first day of school Scout states that she has never looked more forward to anything in her life. How do you think she feels after meeting Miss Caroline and finally being able to go to school?

Chapter 3: In a conversation that Atticus is having with Scout, he states “Sometimes it’s better to bend the law a little in special cases.” Explain what Atticus might be referring to when he makes this statement to his daughter.

Chapter 4: Why do you think Scout did not tell Jem and Dill about the laughing she heard at the Radley house when she landed on the steps?

Chapter 5: How are Miss Maudie and Miss Stephanie Crawford different?